Thursday, 31 July 2014

Our Attitude Towards Life Determines Life Attitude Towards Us

There's a well-known quote that goes "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude 
towards us." Attitudes do make a difference. Salesmen using the ideal attitude beat their sales quotas; students using the proper attitudes make A's. Suitable attitudes pave the way to a truly happy married life.Correct attitudes make you powerful in coping with other people to ensure that it is possible to be effective as a leader. Among the very first qualities men and women notice when they meet you is what you attitude is towards whatever you're responsible for. If your attitudes are negative, then you might want to undergo an "attitude tune-up".

Fully grasp the importance of attitude.
Your attitude impacts every little thing you do, feel and say. If you wish to turn your attitude about and get into action towards your destiny, you might want to have the ability to resist negative or pessimistic thoughts that creep into your consciousness. surround your self with positive men and women, and maintain in mind your ultimate objective of achieving the, respect, good results and wealth which you deserve.

Opt to remain positive.
Power to choose is God given. You are going to encounter some hurdles and encounter some failures in life; but is really crucial that you simply manage how you respond to whatever takes place, and maintain your positive attitude , whilst working towards your objectives. The bible says "I have set before of you blessings and curses, life and death. So choose life" What will likely be your choice? Program" your attitude by training your self to remain upbeat. Identify negative attitudes that continually set you back. Assess your present day attitude and identify aspects of which could be stopping you from becoming prosperous. What are the underlying causes of one's negative attitudes? Remind your self that you simply are far better than you believe. Take a walk if you are frustrated. Just look at life as you walk until the disappointment is out of your system.

Determine to live your life with purpose and passion.
Reassess exactly where you wish your life to go and all which you would like to accomplish. Get a clear vision, to ensure that you've got some thing to reach for. When you have got your objectives firmly established, then you'll be able to turn your new positive attitudes into action.

Create a method for sustaining the proper attitude. Prepare your self to deal with any difficult scenarios that may well threaten your attitudes and throw you off course. You ought to create some self-motivation tactics like affirmations, visualization, positive talk, enthusiasm and heightened expectations Read books and articles on these subjects and build understanding and abilities to boost your attitude. 

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Advice To Help You With Personal Environment

Developing and honing your skills, learning new things and setting goals for yourself, all take a bit of knowledge into the actual process of personal development. You could become overwhelmed if you aren't ready for the journey ahead, so you want to be sure that you have all the information you need to start. With this article's various tips, you could get a much better feel for the process and what personal development really means.
While the term "self-help" implies that you can lift yourself up by your bootstraps and better your life, you can never do this alone. Seek out colleagues and mentors who can give you wisdom or advice during crucial times. By building a network of supporters and asking for help, you make yourself better-equipped to help yourself and survive troubled situations.
One place, either at home or at work, that should remain clutter-free, is your desk. This is your personal work area, so you need to know where everything is. You need to have organization, such as files and drawers for your important papers and holders for things like pencils, business cards and paper clips.
Make lists, lists, and more lists! Lists facilitate action. They free up our time for more important matters at hand. Are you traveling? You should already have a list of what you will need to take. Are you giving a presentation at work? Have a list at hand of what displays you need to have in place.
Learn the power of saying "no" when you need to. This is not easy by any means, but it's the only way to stay focused on the important things in your life. Saying yes to everything may result in the loss of ability to say yes to the best things. Say no more often and take back the control over your schedule and your life.
Socializing with large groups provides a soundboard for ideas, and helps to ground people in reality. A personal opinion or two may be the cause of some distress, but with a large forum of people you hear a multiple of perspectives. Then you can objectively weigh more possibilities than you could if you just hear your own voice, or that of one or two friends or critics.
Personal development is a tough process that goes through various changes and can be stressful without the right methods and techniques in mind. If you are using the tips provided, however, you can get a better hold over your current needs, skills and knowledge. This is what you need to help you to better create a route to a successful and more powerful you.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Photography In a Pinch

Good photographers try to be prepared for almost any contingency. Unfortunately, if you tried to carry everything you'd need to meet every contingency in the field, you'd have to pack like a Bedouin trader.

Many times that simply isn't possible and other times it's not desirable. So the seasoned photographer learns to be resourceful. Here are a few miscellaneous tips that can save your back, particularly on short trips near home. 

A Monopod 

In all but the most extreme lighting situations a monopod can substitute nicely for a tripod and is a lot easier to carry. With practice you'll be able to hold a monopod nearly as stable as a tripod, for a short time anyway. 

Another trick for stabilizing a monopod is to wrap the camera strap around your upper arm and push on the monopod while exerting gentle backward pressure on the strap. Similarly, you can place a large clamp on your monopod and use it as a shoulder brace, almost like a gun mount. It might look a little funny but it works surprisingly well. 

Working In Sand 

For those times you have to drag a tripod to the beach or sandy area, grab three tennis balls on the way out the door. Cut a hole big enough for your tripod leg and fit a tennis ball over each end. 

The tennis balls won't sink in the sand, will keep most of the grit out of the end of your tripod leg and you can throw them away when you're finished. 

Another great thing about working at the beach is you don't need to carry sand bags, just bring bags. There's usually plenty of sand already on the beach. Those are priceless for weighting reflectors, which tend to act like a sail in ocean breezes. 

Bring A Cooler 

But leave the ice packs at home. A cooler has several advantages over an equipment case in many situations. They're solid, many have a handle and wheels, and you can sit or stand on them in a pinch. If you lose or break it, you're only out about $40. 

You can still carry drinks with the camera gear, but carefully. Get those drink cozies you put in the freezer. Those will keep your drinks cold without bringing down the temp too much in the cooler. The last thing you want to do is bring cold optics or a camera out into warm, muggy atmosphere. Expect instant condensation if you do. 

Carry a Bag of Rubber Bands 

They're just so handy for so many things and so easy to carry. You can use them for emergency repairs and to keep papers from flying away. 

A fat rubber band is handy for dislodging a stuck filter. Wrap the rubber band around the edge of the filter and that should give you enough grip to get it loose. 

And, if you're stuck waiting outside a courthouse waiting for a photo op, they're also endlessly entertaining for taunting your fellow photographers. 

Incident Light Meter 

Many photographers still carry a light meter, even in the days of high end digital SLRs. If you're packing light you can use a styrofoam cup over the end of your lens and use your camera's light meter, hold it in place with one of your rubber bands. 

Note that cups do come in different thicknesses, so you may want to calibrate yours using the Sunny 16 rule before you leave. 

Record the exposure at the subject, then walk back to shoot the picture.

6 Attitude Types That Pre-Define Your Life- Which One Are you?

There are 6 different attitude types that determine your position in life. 6 attitudes that determine your success or failure. If you are having trouble in certain areas of your life, whether it be in business, relationships or your finances, take a look at your attitude.
Attitidue 1 - The Poverty Attitude - This is an attitude of those that are basically afraid and look for an opportunity that may help them pay their bills this month. These people usually blame others for their outcome. This attitude encourages a state of dependence. A dependence on others instead of taking responsibility for their actions. The people with this attitude generally have little or no money.
Attitide 2 - The Paycheck-to-Paycheck Attitude -This attitude is a step up from the poverty attitude, Generally, this type person is always looking for job security and will take very few risks. They focus on the risk in the opportunity rather than the reward. his type person may even become bitter to a friend who is successful. Fear is pre-dominant in their life. Fear of stepping out of their comfort zone. Fear of anything that may jeopardize their paycheck.
Attitude 3 - The Middle Income Attitude - This attitude is usually a somewhat healthy attitude in some areas and these types usually spend their money on get-rich-quick ideas that make them no money at all. They generally have lots of free time and are open to coaching or training that would improve their position.
4 - The Game Player Attitude - This is the Middle Income Attitude that with coaching can be raised to a higher level. This person takes someone else's game and plays it to the maximum. Instead of earning $50,000 per year, this person may be earning $150,000-$200,000 per year. Not a bad place to be when compared to the majority of people in the world.
5 - The Game Maker Attitude - This person can create their own game or play someone else's game for a piece of the action. These people usually create a lot of wealth and see themselves as a partner with their chosen company or product. They are as concerned about the company's success as their own success. This type person has lots of self-confidence and makes lots of money.
6 - The Millionaire's Maker Attitude - What's exciting about this attitude is that its available to everyone regardless of where you are currently or what your current attitude is. This attitude frees you from money and allows you to experience life from a whole new perspective. With this attitude, you focus on helping others be successful and live life to the fullest. Anyone can develop this attitude regardless of current financial position or attitude, with the proper guidance and training.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Success A Point Of Decision

Achieving success (no matter how you choose to define it) is not incidental, rather achieving success happens by intention – in other words we must reach a point of decision where we “decide” we want to succeed, before we can in fact succeed. Most truly successful people at some point decided to get serious about becoming successful and made a firm decision to succeed.

What making a firm decision to succeed does is that it instantaneously aligns all our thoughts, behaviors and actions with that one firm decision to achieve success. It acts as powerful focal point and directs all of our energies (mental and physical) to one point – accomplishing success.
Success cannot be achieved without the firm conscious decision to succeed. What making a decision to succeed does is that it fast-tracks the process of achieving success by creating a powerful and earnest desire and belief which underly our decision to succeed. Unless we reach that point of decision and make a conscious, firm resolution to raise our lives to the next level, we continue to make failed and frustrating attempts at success. In my human performance enhancement practice, I come across numerous individuals that have tried time and again to achieve their dreams, yet keep failing. More often than not, I find that it’s not the lack of will that’s lacking but rather a strong, powerful and compelling decision to succeed. Everyone wishes for success, however, not everyone “desires” success. When we create a desire to succeed by making a firm decision to succeed, the intolerable becomes tolerable, we are better able to make the sacrifices required and the impossible becomes possible.
It is the desire to succeed that allows us to keep going after we fail; it is the desire to succeed that allows us to go through the difficult process of owning up to our failures and critically analyzing them and learning from them as opposed to ignoring them and doing the same thing over and over again, hoping that somehow the results will change; It is the desire to succeed that keeps us focused on that ultimate goal or purpose that we know that once achieved, will not only turn our lives around but will positively impact the lives of those around us. Unless we make a decision, we will be like many that believe that success has far more to do with luck and fail to understand that the primary keys to success are in fact self-belief, strategy, action and persistence. The problem with attributing success with luck is that as long as continue to do this, we continue to see ourselves as victims of circumstance; we limit our own potential and consequently, limit our own results; we will never believe that we are good enough or smart enough or gifted enough; we will continue to wait for the right person or right opportunity to open the doors for us; we will never take our own fates into our own hands and create the lives that we truly desire for ourselves; we will never take ownership for our own lives and the decisions we make and will continue to externalize blame for the circumstances in our lives we are unhappy about.
Yes, some people are lucky, however, most successful people have had to “make their own luck” through self-belief, sheer force of will and hard work. I have always been of the belief that if things must change in lives, we must take ownership of the change – we must decide to change things and take the necessary action to put the change into effect. So many live their entire lives not realizing this and hope and wait in vain for someone or something to turn their lives around for them. They complain and lay blame for everything that is wrong in their lives, yet hardly raise a finger to make the necessary change. Yet are completely oblivious to the fact for their lives to become better, they must two critical decisions: first decide it must get better and second they must decide it is up to them to make it better.
We may be born into this world in varying circumstances and opportunities; however, we are all born into this world with equal potential for success. How far we go in life and what we achieve is not limited by how strong we believe we are but rather how weak we believe we are.

Cloud Computing Is More Than A Technology

Cloud Computing is more than a technology. Cloud Computing is more than a platform and it is more than just an application hosted as a service. It is a combination of all the above plus provides immense data storage on the Internet.

In todays competitive economic environment, as businesses are trying their best to balance and optimize their information technology or IT budgets, Cloud computing can be an effective strategy to reduce the information technology operations and management costs, and to free up critical resources and budget for discretionary innovative projects. Typically, a business organization has a eighty by twenty split between regular ongoing information technology or IT operations cost which includes hardware, software licensing costs, development, data center maintenance, etc. versus new investment for solving needs which are critical for a business to survive in these challenging times. Cloud computing technology can have a significant impact on this by reducing the footprint of information technology operations by taking out the upfront capital investments needed for hardware and software. It enables a new model viz. - use what is needed and pay for what is used model. This entails businesses to invest on innovative solutions that will help them address key customer challenges instead of worrying about cumbersome operational details.

Cloud Computing is a paradigm that is composed of several strata of services. These include services like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Storage as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a service (SaaS). Different Cloud computing services providers have developed various access models to these services. The access to these services is based on standard Internet Protocols like Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Representational State Transfer (REST), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and the infrastructure is based on widely used technologies including virtualization. Cloud computing is the maturation and coming together of several prior computing concepts like Grid Computing, application service provider (ASP), Server Hosting, Utility Computing, and Virtualization.

Cloud Computing Technology Provides Plenty of Benefits 

Cloud Computing Technology provides plenty of benefits. Some of the main benefits are given below

Reliability plus Scalability
You get extremely high uptime, that is, almost up to hundred percent. You are free to scale up or down resources.
Rolling Backup
Cloud computing service provider uses rolling backup technology to backup data.

Security and Support 

SAS 70 Type II compliant data centers are used. Experts provide free 24/7 support service via chat, phone, email, etc.

Cost Savings 

End users save much money on Information Technology or IT operations.

Any Application 

Cloud Computing Technology allows hosting of Windows Server software, Peachtree accounting software, MS SQL Server, QuickBooks accounting software, MS Office Server, ACT! CRM(Customer relationship management), Lacerte Tax software, etc. Almost any application can be easily hosted in the cloud. 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Bible Study On Relevations 18- The Judgement Of Babylon

A study of the eighteenth chapter of the book of Revelations shows that the day is coming when Babylon will be punished for her misdeeds that brings calamity upon the world on account of the great apostasy into which its inhabitants will be led.

As we seek to connect the dots in the book of Revelations concerning the succession of world events we need to get a better understanding of the role of Babylon in the fulfillment of end-time prophecies. The first hint of Babylon's involvement in last-day events is found in Revelation 14:8. In this particular verse it is said that Babylon has made all nations drunk with the wine of her fornication.

In order for us to determine the meaning of the phrase 'wine of her fornication' we need to determine who this Babylon is. In my Bible study on Revelation 17 I see where Babylon is again mentioned under the symbol of a woman.

The clear biblical interpretation of this 'woman' symbol is said to be "that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth" (Rev. 17:18), and sits on seven mountains (Rev. 17;9). Furthermore, in the scriptures woman in symbolic form usually refers to a religious entity (a church, see Jer. 6:3; Eph. 5:21-27).

The woman, Mystery Babylon the great, is obviously an impure religion since she is categorized as a whore. And this is what explains the fornication part. Since the woman is a symbol, her fornication cannot be seen as literal; it must also be accounted as symbolic. She commits fornication by departing from her Lord and went a whoring after other gods just as Israel did in days of old (Exod. 34:16; Ezek. 6:9).

As we examine each description as well as the biblical solution to the symbol, we can only be led to one conclusion - this great city that sits on seven mountains is none other than the city of Rome and her religion.

Like Jerusalem, Mystery Babylon was once a faithful city but she has now become a harlot (Isa. 1:21). As a harlot she will lead the world into the same kind of prostitution of which she is accused, and hence, the world will suffer the same punishment that will be meted out against her for such an offense.

But she will not be punished just for her apostasy because she is not just a participant or a mere victim in this whole end-time saga. Even a peripheral Bible study on Revelations 14, 16, 17, and 18 will show clearly that this woman will be very much at the helm dictating world affairs. According to Revelation 17, she will reign over kings and will make the inhabitants of the earth drunk with the wine of her fornication.

The eighteenth chapter of the book of Revelation outlines the details of her sins for which she will be rewarded and manner of her retribution. When we consider the extent of divine judgment upon this city of fornication it can only lead us to contemplate the magnitude of her offenses. Certainly, God does not impose punishment more than what the crime deserves.

It is interesting to note the manner in which she will be punished. If we should only confine our Bible study about Mystery Babylon to Revelation 14 alone we may be lead to conclude that God will personally cause fire and brimstone to fall upon that seven-hill city for its iniquity. But based on what we read in Revelation 17, the destruction of Babylon will be the work of the ten kings.

At some point these ten co-rulers with the beast (Rev. 17:12) will have reason to turn against her. A Bible study on Revelation 17 will bear out the fact, "these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire." Rev. 17:16. Indeed, God's judgment will be executed upon Babylon at the hands of her own allies (Rev. 17:17).

Great Ways To Design A Top Website

From the start and initial design to the tiniest detail, web design is an overwhelming undertaking when you don't know what you're doing. Let this article's ideas and knowledge help you prepare for designing your next website.
Graphics are essential to make sure your site is pleasing to the eye, but they can also clutter up a page. Don't use graphics to decorate the website; they should be used to make it look professional. Your site may be easier to navigate too if you keep the graphic clutter to a minimum.
Check for broken links. Visitors will be annoyed if they click a link and come across an error page. You can manually or use a program if you like.
Your site should be able to be scanned without problems. Most visitors do not have a lot of time to spend; they'll just scan it over. Break text into small, such as bold or italics. This ensures your visitor's time on the site is user friendly.
While giving viewers quality and up-to-date information should be your main focus, you first need to work on gaining a customer base. Knowing which keywords will draw search engine visitors to your site is essential if you want to become successful.
Use Photoshop to create stellar websites. If you don't use such a program, you may find yourself spending much more time than necessary to finish your website.
You don't have to fill all available space when you design a site. Leaving space between different elements will make people more comfortable. There are many situations in which empty space is actually more valuable than other content.
Don't ever place pop-ups on your website. People won't want to return to your website again. Keep ads simple; there's no need for wild pop-ups.
Using the tools from a host to build your site is great for basic layout, but you don't want to rely on the design tools completely. You should be able to customize your website to reflect your taste and personality, and this means tweaking and adding some things on your own without the drag-and-drop site-builder the host offers.
Proofread all of the content on your site's content. Your goal is for people to read it easily and quickly. If the site is clunky and slow, your site will be viewed as unprofessional and may actually be ridiculed.
Rather than generating a HTML code for all pages, merely copy and paste the main code section, change it in certain places, and save it under a new file name. You can use the master copy over and over again.
People read in this direction, so anything high and far left are going to be the first thing that catches their eye.
Technology speeds along at a dazzling clip that it is important to keep up to day when creating a website. Websites are very important for any company and its products. Web design is also a lucrative field in which people can make good money.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

The Impact Of Microsoft In My Life.

My Story: How Microsoft has impacted my life and as a MSA, How I plan to make a difference.                    
Thursday,24 JULY 2014            
How Microsoft has impacted my life.

Since the day when I used to draw pictures using MsPaint during my school days in my computer lab hours till date  Microsoft has been a great friend of mine providing the essence of technology in every aspect of life.
When I grew up, it created a passion in me to gain more and knowledge about various upcoming technology products these days.It had helped me a lot to complete my projects in an efficient and an easy way by providing a lot of  essential tools which are daily used by almost each and every people to complete their work be it from making reports using MsExcel or making catchy presentations using MsPowerpoint or making your resume using the MsWord.
 Today when I make projects in programming in python,c,c++,c#....etc I mostly use the Microsoft Visual Studio to do all my work because it is an all rounder compiler and it is not too much hard to work with.
Truly speaking, inspite of the latest and advanced antivirus software available in the market I prefer to use the Microsoft Security Essentials which is already provided free to use by the Microsoft in each and every version of windows.

 In the free hours when I get bored I usually play games at Xbox with my friends which is again one of the best technologies provided by the Microsoft.
 Since the age of  5 from having fun with drawings using MsPaint on Windows XP(The version which i got on my first PC) till now  on my laptop where I had Windows 8.1 installed it has transformed me into a programmer and all the credit goes to the latest technological advancement done by the Microsoft.
      Bill Gates is and always will be an inspiration for me because it is him and his technologies only who has made me a big enthusiast  in the field of computers.
      He has created a huge impact on me also because the company knows what all technologies and software are required by the present generation to make their lives more comfortable and less time consuming.

Skype which is another technology provided by the Microsoft also comes in use to  me frequently to get in touch through video calling,messaging,sharing with my friends, family anywhere in the world.
Whenever I  wanted to access my docs, pictures ,videos,etc from anywhere in the world, SkyDrive provided me with thecloud storage via Pc,mobile,Tablet,etc.

A couple of days ago only I forgot my laptop's  login password then,  suddenly it came into my mind that I recently changed my user's account to microsoft account which gave me the idea to reset my password back online from any other device.Had microsoft account would not be there

I would not be able to login back into my PC.This shows how Microsoft  has greatly planned all the technologies so that user can tackle of any of the daily life problems .


Being a Microsoft Student Associate I will  introduce the latest technologies and products launched by the Microsoft to my college friends,relatives and to each and every person within my reach so that they can also get the knowledge about how the technologies without which their lives would have been so hard.

   Also, I will also conduct events , seminars  in my college spread the awareness among  each and every student studying in the college and would try not to limit it till my college but also at various other schools,colleges and homes.

  I  would also create facebook pages and invite my friends and their friends to go through this page and learn about the latest technologies  and gain some knowledge about it so they it may help to develop an enthu in them to to do innovation in the field of computers.

    I would also  introduce them to the Microsoft programs so that they also get to know about the various programmes and stuff related to Microsoft so that they can also actively participate in the competitions and get to to know more about computer and its programming.

   I would also install camps during the technical fest which would include Microsoft games, their inventions, quizes ,etc. so that it can also attract other college students from all over the world  and  get to know about it.

   I would also try to conduct coding programs so that the coders can participate in the coding events and can show up their talents and ignite their careers as well. I will introduce them to join the Microsoft Student Partners programme to push up their passion so that they can learn,lead , share and grow.

Thank you Microsoft for providing me a platform to share my thoughts.

 Thank you readers for  your valuable time !!!!

How To Backup And Migrate Your Browser Bookmarks?

These days, more and more people are using computers to store memories, important documents, and various other bits of information that may need to be kept for long periods of time. Backing up a computer is essential for keeping long term documents around.
Method 1: Backup a PC (Windows 7, 8 and above)

1. Get a backup drive. This can be just about any USB external hard drive, and you can get them at most electronics stores. Try to get one that has twice as much space as your computer, so you have room for multiple backups and so you have room for all the data you might get in the future.
2. When you first plug it in, Windows will actually ask you if you want to use it as a backup. You can just go to the Start Menu, type "backup" in the search box, and hit Backup and Restore.
3. From there, click the "Set Up Backup" button. Pick the external drive you plugged in and hit next. Windows' default settings are probably fine, so you can just hit Next and the next screen too.
4. On the last screen, hit "Save Settings and Run Backup". Windows will make its first backup of your drive, during which you don't want to turn off your computer. After that, it'll make regular ones in the background as you work.

Method 2: Mac (OS X Leopard and above)

1. Get a drive. This can be just about any USB external hard drive, and you can get them at most electronics stores. Try to get one that has twice as much space as your computer, so you have room for multiple backups and so you have room for all the data you might get in the future.
2. When you plug in your drive, your Mac will ask you if you want to use that drive as a backup disk. Hit "Use as Backup Disk".
3. From Time Machine's preferences, hit "Select Backup Disk" and choose your external drive.
4. That's it! OS X will perform its first, and from then on it'll back up in the background with no work required on your part.

Method 3: Linux

1. From the search bar, just type "backup" to bring up preinstalled options. I'll be using Simple Backup Suite.
2. From the first tab (General), tell Linux how often you want to perform a complete back up and what format, if any, to use for compression.
3. Select the Include tab to add files and directories.
4. Make sure to select the Destination tab to pick your storage location. As with any other backup, you'll want it to be as secure as possible.
5. Click the disk icon at the top to save your settings, and then click the drive icon to back up your files. The first one will take a while, most likely, as will future complete backups, so you may want to schedule them for downtimes.

Method 4: iPad

1. Connect the device to a computer with the most current version of iTunes. This will be the location where your data will be backed up so be sure that the computer can be used for this purpose.
2. Go to the File Menu.
3. Select the Devices submenu and click €Backup€.
4. Choose your location. To the left, you can choose whether to save to the cloud or to the computer.
5. Click €Back Up Now€. You're done!

Method 5: Backup a Galaxy Tab

1. Navigate to the Settings app.
2. Select Accounts and Sync.
3. Ensure that all of the items you want backed up are selected. Be aware that you can only backup certain items this way.
4. Click the green sync button, located near your Google account name. This should sync the items. When you are done you can select €back€ to return to using your device.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Wifi Hack

Have you noticed recently that your mission to stay connected is leading to weird behavior? how to hack wifi password Are you spending more hour and much more and much more hours at Starbucks without purchasing a drink? Has the public library become your home overseas, while you hardly open a book? Do you find yourself hang around at airports even after your flight has landed to acquire your WiFi fix?

Think about it, free Wifi connection doesn''??t ask you to enter your password, meaning that Wifi connection is in essence, unsecured. Virtually now you may hook up with an unsecured network and may gain access to files located on your PC. Moreover, whenever you hook up with an unsecured network, you risk exposing your PC to malware and viruses. There''??s very little stopping professional identity thieves from stealing your charge card or social security numbers once you''??re associated with an unsecured network. Using sophisticated software, they may be easily able to penetrating your computer''??s firewall without you ever learning about it, a large number of e-criminals can hack into secured servers, so hacking in your computer is much like taking candy coming from a baby.
In order to hack to your wireless connection, the hackers should wifi password hacker first gather specifics of this. They usually do this starting with sniffing for that various routers broadcasting around them. I believe a very common program for this is Kismet. It can even spot routers that aren't set for public broadcasting, in order that it gives them a larger list than a general wireless detection tool.
One of the most significant things is always to choose the right tales. This is dependent upon your kid's age, interests, and what you are trying to convey. If you want to teach them something, you could possibly look for a story that illustrates that idea. Make sure the plot is not too intricate because of their age, although not too simple and straightforward either. Consider the things your son or daughter finds best and try to go with a story that fits these interests.
As we rely a growing number of on wireless communication, you should keep the wireless devices secure from hackers bent on flushing crucial computer data out. (That was bad.) Anyway' Be smart with what kind of data you transmit with a public wireless connection. Limit your transmission of critical data and rehearse secure sites, ones where "HTTPS" appears inside address bar. These sites have additional encryption internal. Don't store critical data over a device used outside of the secure network. I have a laptop with an iPhone. If they are hacked, there is not any data on either device that would compromise my identity or financial security. Turn off WiFi and Bluetooth on your own mobile when you find yourself not with these. An unattended device emitting wireless signals is extremely attracting a criminal hacker. Beware of free WiFi connections. Anywhere the truth is a broadcast for "Free WiFi," consider it a red flag. It's likely that free WiFi has been used as bait. Beware of evil twins. Anyone can create a router to express "T-Mobile" "AT&T Wireless" or "Wayport." These connections can happen legitimate but are often traps set to ensnare anyone who connects with it. Keep your mobile security software and os updated. Make sure your security software program is automatically updated as well as your os's critical security patches are up to date.

Is The Middle East Iraq 'ISIS CRISIS' A Deception

Many people are waking up to the realization that the mainstream media portrayal of terrorism has been a hoax, perpetrated by the architects of darkness the hidden powers that be controlling the planet to serve their enslavement agenda for global domination.

Your chances of death by terrorism are 1 in 20 million, or, put another way, you have more chance of getting killed by a cop (8 times more) than by a terrorist. However, many people have fallen for the deception, believing the exaggerated claims of the so called enemy about.
Recently, the network of secretly manufactured cabal sponsored terrorism groups making mayhem in the Middle East have turned their hand to "ISIS" in Iraq (ISIS = Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) as part of their plans for a takeover in this key area. Isis is a curious name and goes back to ancient Egyptian mythology. Isis, mother of Horus, was said to be the 'hawk headed god of war.' Doesn't this reveal the intentions behind ISIS?
An alternative name for ISIS is "Al-Sham." Quite fitting, since the whole thing really is a sham. The deception is yet another staged event ultimately designed to allow the cabal to gain complete control of the Middle East.
ISIS is claimed to be an offshoot of Al Qaeda, but media propaganda goes on to say that ISIS is even more fundamental. What, more fundamental than a group that supposed to have caused 911?? Doesn't this claim make some people suspicious? As I have said, the real terror has come from the dark cabal secretly manufacturing all the mayhem to make you believe in an enemy who either doesn't exist or is greatly exaggerated. There has never been a leader or a secret vast network with tentacles reaching out in many different countries...
However, the people at large have fallen for the deception, believing in the existence of this imaginary enemy, allowing themselves to approve of extra surveillance... in the name of security and further give up their freedom. This is indeed exactly what the dark cabal want, which is why they had secretly manufactured the enemy in the first place. This serves as part of their New World Order plans for a global fascist dictatorship.
However, ISIS is different to Al Qaeda in that it is well organised, heavily funded financed to the tune of $2 billion. Sure, we will have to wait for the developments to judge the capability of ISIS.

Monday, 21 July 2014

How To Improve Your LIfe To Never RegreT

Regret won't take us any where. Most people often think of their failures. Some even feel sick whenever they remember. Let's look at ways we can change our lives.

If you can know what you want, you don't have to bother. Most people convert their goals in to problems. Don't say your problem is to buy a car. Cut your coat according to your size. If your income doesn't reach anywhere don't think of buying a car.
Another problem we give to ourselves is thinking of success. We always expect to be successful. Having more than two companies shouldn't make you feel you are successful forever. It is good to ask, what if I am kidnapped? What if someone claims my companies and wins? What if I enter a terrible health condition and have no control over my properties? There are many opulent people that fell. Not only Job of the biblical history. Today it is you, tomorrow it may not be you. What is selling today may not be selling tomorrow. This is not to wish you a badluck.

However, if you are happy, that is all. A recent research has shown that concentrating on breath can make you forget your sorrow. And many people testify it really works. Apart from that, another practice is called meditation.
Meditation is an act of thinking in order to control your mind. If you reason why you worry, it is because your mind wanders like cloud, depriving you of all your confidence. Most people become hypertensive and collapse. If you love yourself you won't be afraid of anything. You have confidence to go anywhere and talk. Meditation will enable you keep your mind attentive and gain more confidence.
Learning meditation, I concentrate on my breath, holding and releasing it bit by bit. When I find it interesting, I like meditation page on Facebook and get lots of newsfeeds. The one that I learn to heart is NEVER THINK OF YOUR PAST AND FUTURE BUT CONCENTRATE ON NOW. I enter this mode and appreciate my being alive. I also find it pleasant to concentrate on my writing career. Many people call it a new knowledge, but it has been well known in India, Japan and China for many centuries

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Life QuotE

"This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll
act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soulmate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.”
                                                                                                                             -------Marilyn Monroe

Facts On Aerial Photography

The art of photography has grown greatly. From those old pictures that were black and white and some images were even blurred to what the modern society has,
which is defined through clarity and detail, the art of photography has certainly suffered great changes. Actually, so grand have the modifications been that today, people have something called aerial photography to refer to. Although the entire technique seems to be specific for the modern society, it is worth knowing that this people made use of aerial photography in 1858. The first person to have taken photos from impressive heights was balloonist Gaspard-F©lix Tournachon. If you want to get an idea of how aerial photos looked like back in the 1850s, then you could look at one of the vintage postcards, because this is how this technique functioned.
Of course today, things have changed greatly and photos taken in this manner, as well videos performed through aerial cinematography. Much has been invested in the development of the right technology and for good reason. It is truly surprising to see all the ways one can make use of aerial filming, as well cinematography. Here
are a few examples of domains, which have a constant need for these techniques that will surely convince you of the fact that investing money in this direction is a very profitable plan. Aerial photos are relevant in the making of topographic maps, archeology, movies and commercial, even in the promotion of certain location for touristic purposes. Looking at the environmental concerns, which are increasing in number, it is relevant to mention that indeed aerial filming can be used in different related analysis. So far, anyone can tell that such photographing techniques are needed, making possible for several tasks to be handled appropriately. However, what might seem as a mystery to most is the actual manner in which these photos are taken. In some cases, this is performed by means of a highly equipped, professional camera, handled by an expert, situated in a plane. Still, there are some photos that present locations, which are impossible to enter by means of a plane. This certainly leads to the following question: how were these photos actually taken?

Well, at this point, you have to allow your imagination to fly, because this is what scientists did for a brief moment and came up with the following method. They have managed to develop plenty of platforms that can be used to take surprising pictures. Some are controlled drones. These are actually small devices on which a photo or filming camera is place, its mission being to enter some of the hardest to reach locations and take photos or make videos. Of course out of the many photos such a device can take, the photographer will start editing the pictures, to give them a proper professional appearance and the final result to be the expected one. Thanks to technology, the world has changed greatly and in some areas for the better. When it comes aerial photography and filming, much can be said, but the bottom line is that it can lead to spectacular results.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Call Of Duty Black OOps 2

Dead Ops Arcade is the third zombie map for the new game and is a fun top-down shooter, unlocked through the computer terminal at the main menu, only accessible by escaping the torture chair. HP HP0-Y33 braindupms, along with other materials to organize the exams. Update 3: Added Amazon and Newegg to the launch deals. Perhaps it is lacking in certain areas, but none of which are game breakers. Also, added features such as the "Hall of Fame" is viewable when in Online Play mode.
If you set it at Hardened or Veteran, the enemies can turn on a dime and shoot you. Collect the letters L-U-N-A in order, and you don't even have to head back over to the Claymore area and enter them into the Computer. The more discounts that you can apply, the lower the price of that phone will be. Call of duty black ops actually helps you when you aim down the sights. Find little nooks that you enjoy chilling in, or find cool vantage points you can retreat to if things get nutty.
After its release in 1982, Q*bert became one of the most merchandised arcade games, third only to Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. Everybody needs to be standing on the platform underneath the launch pad, because the platform is pressure sensitive. How do you download online wii games without the risk of virus infection or the hassle of super slow download speeds. With only one device, we can listen to our favorite songs, watch our favorite videos, carry our family pictures and follow the GPS coordinates. Another thing my husband loves, other than Call of Duty MW3, is when I play the game with him.
with the modern warfare 3 coming out soon i wonder about the 3d feature has the call of duty company done anything to improve that feature of the game. Bringing up the best features, I'd also mention the sound effects are a high point. Will you be purchasing an Xbox 360 as a gift this year, for yourself or someone else. You can expect to pay 1200 Microsoft Points or $15. 99 (1200 MS Points) or as part of a Season Pass for $49.
Below the surface, Call of Duty is a below average to average shooter plagued by a childish and foul-mouthed community of lone wolves, idiotic game balancing, unimaginative and restrictive maps, and greedy & lazy developers. There is nothing worse than having to listen to a 7 year old cry about the Mystery Box, when they shouldn't be playing a Rated M game in the first place, but that's besides the point. Nintendo has really hit it big with their Wii system. In business, it means unnecessarily burning through cash. Your working method concentrates about the jogging tasks and processes based on their priorities.

Choosing A Life Partner

The person you choose to partner with for life is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
Your choice of life mate will impact every aspect of your being. It will influence your happiness, career success, health, finances, children, friends and family, so it's not a decision you want to take lightly.
Choosing someone that brings out the best in you and adds a sense of joy and ease to your life is essential to your emotional and physical well being.
Many people put an emphasis on the practical aspect of choosing the right long-term partner. These practical matters are founded in logic and include qualities like status, profession, income and sophistication. In other words, your significant other looks good €on paper€.
On the other end of the spectrum, people concentrate on the impractical traits involved in selecting the right person. Impractical matters are governed by the heart and consist of relationship traits such as fun, adventure, romance, having a soulmate connection and being in love.
When the you base your decision almost entirely on the practical or on the impractical the odds are pretty great that you will choose someone that won't end up being the best choice.
Why is that?
Like most things in life, it's the balance of both that brings real success whether it be in terms of choosing the ideal mate or anything else in life.Choosing a partner whose characteristics strike a balance between the practical and the impractical is essential.
Ultimately, it's the wisdom of your mind, otherwise known as the practical, in combination with the intelligence of your heart, also referred to as the impractical that will allow you to make the ultimate decision.
The following life partner qualities represent the mind's wisdom with that of the heart for a lifetime of success in love:
Responsibility: being accountable to one's self and others in all aspects of life
Generousity: the ability and willingness to give unselfishly in what is said and done
Kindness: being authentic and compassionate toward one's self and others
Chemistry: an undeniable spark or attraction that exists between two people
Shared Values: compatible core beliefs about yourself, others and life in general
Integrity: doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances
Self Awareness: knowing your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts and motivations
Loyalty: being consistently devoted to your partner and the relationship
Shared Goals: having common goals, aspirations and dreams
In order to make the best possible decision you will need be patient and conduct a thorough intellectual and emotional evaluation. In the end it will be well worth your time and effort; when you choose well you can expect to admire and respect your partner for a lifetime.
About Susan Blackburn:
Susan Blackburn, M.A. is an Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Counsellor & Marriage Therapist, a Published Author and a guest Relationship Expert on radio and television.
Susan enjoys working with people to achieve a sense of overall fulfillment. Using warm and encouraging support, she works collaboratively with individuals and couples to rediscover their confidence, find life balance, and attain more happiness in every aspect of their lives. Her aim is to properly guide individuals & couples and counsel them to enjoy a happy and healthy life.
Susan is an Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Counsellor & Marriage Therapist, she practices her counselling in Toronto, Yonge-Eglinton, midtown Toronto. She also guide people to overcome anxiety and depression with boosting their communication power for better self-esteem and confidence-building.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

LeBrone Raymone James

LeBron Raymone James (born December 30, 1984) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Standing at 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) and weighing 250 lb (113 kg), he has started at the small forward and power forward positions. James has won two NBA championships, four NBA Most Valuable Player Awards, two NBA Finals MVP Awards, two Olympic gold medals, an NBA scoring title, and the NBA Rookie of the Year Award. He has also been selected to ten NBA All-Star teams, ten All-NBA teams, and six All-Defensive teams, and is the Cleveland Cavaliers' all-time leading scorer.

James played high school basketball at St. Vincent–St. Mary High School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, where he was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar. After graduating, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cavaliers. James led Cleveland to the franchise's first Finals appearance in 2007, losing to the San Antonio Spurs in a sweep. In 2010, he left the Cavaliers for the Miami Heat in a highly publicized free agency period. In his first season in Miami, the Heat reached the Finals but lost to the Dallas Mavericks. James won his first championship in 2012 when Miami defeated the Oklahoma City Thunder. In 2013, he led the Heat on a 27-game winning streak, the second longest in league history. Miami also won their second consecutive title that year. In 2014, the Heat reached the Finals for the fourth consecutive year, eventually losing to the Spurs. Following Miami's defeat, James opted out of his contract with the Heat and rejoined the Cavaliers.
Off the court, James has accumulated considerable wealth and fame as a result of numerous endorsement deals. His public life has been the subject of much scrutiny and he has been ranked as one of America's most influential and popular athletes. He has been featured in books, documentaries, and television commercials, and has even hosted the ESPY Awards and Saturday Night Live.

James made his debut for the United States national team at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece. U.S. Olympic coach Larry Brown said that James, accustomed to being a star, was not 100% receptive to a reduced role.James spent the Olympics mostly on the bench without quality playing time,averaging 14.6 minutes per game with 5.8 points and 2.6 rebounds per game in eight games.Team USA finished the competition with a bronze medal, becoming the first U.S. basketball team to return home without a gold medal since adding professionals to their line-up James felt his limited playing time was a "lowlight" and believed he was not given "a fair opportunity to play". His attitude during the Olympics was described as "disrespectful" and "distasteful" by columnists Adrian Wojnarowski and Peter Vecsey, respectively.At the 2006 FIBA World Championship in Japan, James took on a greater role for Team USA, averaging 13.9 points, 4.8 rebounds, and 4.1 assists per game as co-captain.The team finished the tournament with an 8–1 record, winning another bronze medal.James' behavior was again questioned, this time by teammate Bruce Bowen, who confronted James during tryouts regarding his treatment of staff members.
Before naming James to the 2008 Olympic team, Team USA managing director Jerry Colangelo and coach Mike Krzyzewski gave James an ultimatum to improve his attitude, and he heeded their advice. At the FIBA Americas Championship 2007, he averaged 18.1 points, 3.6 rebounds, and 4.7 assists per game, including a 31-point performance against Argentina in the championship game, the most ever by an American in an Olympic qualifier.Team USA went 10–0, winning the gold medal and qualifying for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China.James credited the team's attitude and experience for their improvement, saying: "I don't think we understood what it meant to put on a USA uniform and all the people that we were representing in 2004. We definitely know that now."At the Olympics, Team USA went unbeaten, winning their first gold medal since 2000. In the final game, James turned in 14 points, 6 rebounds, and 3 assists against Spain.
James did not play at the 2010 FIBA World Championship but rejoined Team USA for the 2012 Olympics in London, England.He became the leader of the team with Kobe Bryant, who would soon be 34, stepping back.James facilitated the offense from the post and perimeter, called the defensive sets, and provided scoring when needed.During the Games, he recorded the first triple-double in U.S. Olympic basketball history.Team USA went on to win their second straight gold medal, again defeating Spain in the final game.James contributed 19 points in the win, becoming the all-time leading scorer in U.S. men's basketball history.He also joined Michael Jordan as the only players to win an NBA MVP award, NBA championship, NBA Finals MVP, and Olympic gold medal in the same year.Afterwards, Krzyzewski said James "is the best player, he is the best leader and he is as smart as anybody playing the game right now."

Tuesday, 15 July 2014


Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) was
a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalised racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) from 1991 to 1997. Internationally, Mandela was Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999.
A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended the Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the ANC and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the South African National Party came to power in 1948, he rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 Defiance Campaign, was appointed superintendent of the organisation's Transvaal chapter and presided over the 1955 Congress of the People. Working as a lawyer, he was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and, with the ANC leadership, was unsuccessfully prosecuted in the Treason Trial from 1956 to 1961. Influenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the South African Communist Party (SACP) and sat on its Central Committee. Although initially committed to non-violent protest, in association with the SACP he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, leading a sabotage campaign against the apartheid government. In 1962, he was arrested, convicted of conspiracy to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial.
Mandela served 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island, and later in Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. An international campaign lobbied for his release. He was released in 1990, during a time of escalating civil strife. Mandela joined negotiations with President F. W. de Klerk to abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led the ANC to victory and became South Africa's first black president. He published his autobiography in 1995. During his tenure in the Government of National Unity he invited other political parties to join the cabinet, and promulgated a new constitution. He also created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses. While continuing the former government's liberal economic policy, his administration also introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat poverty, and expand healthcare services. Internationally, he acted as mediator between Libya and the United Kingdom in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial, and oversaw military intervention in Lesotho. He declined to run for a second term, and was succeeded by his deputy, Thabo Mbeki. Mandela became an elder statesman, focusing on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Denounced as a communist terrorist by critics,he nevertheless gained international acclaim for his activism, having received more than 250 honours, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Soviet Order of Lenin. He is held in deep respect within South Africa, where he is often referred to by his Xhosa clan name, Madiba, or as Tata ("Father"); he is often described as "the father of the nation".


By the time of his death, Mandela had come to be widely considered
"the father of the nation" within South Africa,and "the founding father of democracy",being seen as "the national liberator, the saviour, its Washington and Lincoln rolled into one".Mandela's biographer Anthony Sampson commented that even during his life, a myth had developed around him that turned him into "a secular saint" and which was "so powerful that it blurs the realities." Within a decade after the end of his Presidency, Mandela's era was being widely thought of as "a golden age of hope and harmony".Across the world, Mandela earned international acclaim for his activism in overcoming apartheid and fostering racial reconciliation,coming to be viewed as "a moral authority" with a great "concern for truth".

Throughout his life, Mandela had also faced criticism. Margaret Thatcher attracted international attention for describing the ANC as "a typical terrorist organisation" in 1987;although she later called on Botha to release Mandela.On his death, various Twitter users repeated the denunciations that he was a communist and a terrorist,while various anti-abortion activists across the world took the opportunity to condemn him for supporting the 1996 Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Act.Mandela has also been criticised for his friendship with political leaders such as Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddafi, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, and Suharto – deemed dictators by critics – as well as his refusal to condemn their human rights violations