Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Protect Natural Resources

Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower and biomass are some of the renewable sources of energy. Using of renewable sources of energy is good because these sources offer an environmentally friendly option than utilizing fossil fuels. There will be an improve energy security and energy independence if people use renewable source of energy. Also renewable sources of energy are the cleanest and safest energy sources.
The well-known source of energy which is the solar energy is an environment-friendly and endless renewable source of energy. Solar power doesn't result in the emission of harmful carbon dioxide unlike the use of fossil fuels. The sun will be the unlimited source of energy and with right technologies can provide sufficient electricity that could be used in every single household or even in commercial and industrial properties. 

The use of solar power has a positive effect in the environment because taking advantage of solar energy does not contribute to climate change, acid rains or any kind of pollution. When transformed from solar radiations, solar energy may possibly be converted to thermal energy or electric power. This may also be employed in a number of applications like in agriculture and analysis. At present, solar power is being utilized in two areas namely for the production of thermal energy which can heat up water and producing of electric power by utilizing the photovoltaic cell. 

Photovoltaic cells or PV cells captures solar energy then transforming it into electricity. These cells convert sunlight into electricity by employing the energy developed when photons from sunlight push electrons into greater state of energy. Yet solar power is not only limited to thermal energy and electricity simply because currently, numerous devices which are powered by solar energy exist in the market. 

Solar energy is an excellent source of supplying power to homes and companies and by utilizing solar power you're not merely protecting the environment from becoming polluted but also you are saving the rest of the earth's natural resources. Capturing solar energy does not contribute any pollution and does not harm the atmosphere. One of the factors why many individuals are still hesitant to make use of solar power is because it is expensive. The initial investment of installing solar power system for a home is expensive and aside from that solar power still wants to boost its deficiency. The need of big location of space is another reason why people aren't taking into consideration solar power.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Keeping It Simple

The Four Agreements the other day and it strongly resonated with this desire to pare back; to simplify; to become more real as a participant in this world and begin operating in a more authentic way.

With these 4 simple tenets, we could literally change the way we as humans operate in this world. How do they resonate with you? Please feel free to share your thoughts, we'd love to hear from you.

1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don't Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don't Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Relation-Dependence For Life

Relationship is a word that has various meanings, the relationship between a mother and her son, a relationship between a brother and a sister, a relationship between a boss and his employee, and a love relationship between two people are few of its kind. Everything that we hold onto in life is in some way or the other related to these relations. We work, we study, we play, we do all kinds of things with the people that we love to be around. Some relationships are beyond explanation and some don't need any. We might not understand what is going on in a person's mind, but we can definitely figure out things by observing his behavior. We are not immediately comfortable with a strange person and rightly so because we have no idea about how that person is and how their personality is going to be. We all don't mingle up with people that comfortably, it depends on our personalities and how the opposite person is. We know that different people have different personalities, different nature, different tastes, it is not always that people who find each other attractive, find their tastes and personalities matching. I am not going to go into scientific research of why it is so or any such stuff, but it is generally said that people with opposite personalities end up together and form a very compatible pair. This can be rightly justified by many examples and no science needed. 
When a person starts to ignore his relations in life and starts giving priority to other things, he is probably doing this because suddenly his priorities and dreams have taken over his thoughts. We all are busy in our own lives and we all have dreams that we wish to fulfil, but it should never come at the cost of our relations. Your parents, siblings, your girlfriend, boyfriend, friends, these are the people in your life who really matter. What would you do with a million dollar house when you don't have your loved ones to live in with? I would rather prefer having a small condo around the beach where I can gather around with my family and loved ones and have a good time. It depends on what your choices are in life and what you wish to pursue. Relations are a sweet hold of your life, no matter what situation you are into, even in your rough times, you can always depend on these relations. Materialistic things, money, they are more of a need than your priority. But unfortunately some people make it their priority and end up regretting. 
Make yourself a promise, before you decide what your priorities are and what you want to do with your life, just take some time to think about where you would be if it wasn't for your loved ones. We all make wrong choices in life but very few get a chance to correct these choices. We need to think twice before we take any major decisions in life. We all know that money can buy you material happiness, you can have luxurious cars, beautiful houses and can attend fancy parties if you are able to join a high end club. Everybody loves to own the fantasies and be rich, but we always forget what we are letting go off in order to fulfill our desires.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Positive Thinking

The first situation to consider is the relationship between thoughts and conditions like depression and stress. A crucial question is whether the person's thoughts are creating the physical depression or the physical depression is creating the negative thinking. When it comes to how you can use your mind to help, this can be accomplished consciously and subconsciously. When someone has a habit of imagining things turning out very badly, rational thinking can show show them that they often exaggerate. However, the unconscious mind is much more powerful in shaping our habitual behavior, oftentimes beyond our conscious control. Visualization and hypnosis can be very effective in modifying beliefs and, if you do this, the long-lasting effects can be more powerful than using logic only.
 It is likewise true that positive thinking can have an impact on our physical health, and you may be aware of the placebo effect on people who feel ill. This is when individuals are given a pill which in reality does not have any healing value, and yet they claim to notice an improvement in how they feel. This is evidence of the connection between mind and body, and there are many examples of men and women with a positive outlook being able to recover faster from malady and injury. You can also use the power of your mind to help you in achieving your fitness goals. A historic example of this is when the four minute barrier for running the mile was broken, which had been considered as unachievable up to that point. Once the "barrier" had been broken, other runners also began to break through what had really been a barrier of belief.
 The effects of aging are likewise influenced by how we think about the process. As you get older, do you talk to your friends about your "aches and pains" and your weakened capabilities? It seems there's a great deal of truth to the saying, "You're only as old as you think you are," and our thoughts can be used to undo a lot of the so-called effects of aging. Unfortunately, numerous individuals will continue to hold on to old beliefs about the unavoidable "decline" of health in old age, and not pay attention to the benefits of a positive outlook.
 Now that you are aware that your attitude can bring you a much better state of health, it's up to you to take advantage of this information and set your intention to think positive thoughts whenever you remember.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Ebola Virus

Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans.

EVD outbreaks have a case fatality rate of up to 90%.
EVD outbreaks occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests.
The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are considered to be the natural host of the Ebola virus.
Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. No licensed specific treatment or vaccine is available for use in people or animals.
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.

Genus Ebolavirus is 1 of 3 members of the Filoviridae family (filovirus), along with genus Marburgvirus and genus Cuevavirus. Genus Ebolavirus comprises 5 distinct species:

Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV)
Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV)
Reston ebolavirus (RESTV)
Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV)
Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV).
BDBV, EBOV, and SUDV have been associated with large EVD outbreaks in Africa, whereas RESTV and TAFV have not. The RESTV species, found in Philippines and the People’s Republic of China, can infect humans, but no illness or death in humans from this species has been reported to date.


Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals. In Africa, infection has been documented through the handling of infected chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainforest.

Ebola then spreads in the community through human-to-human transmission, with infection resulting from direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids. Burial ceremonies in which mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased person can also play a role in the transmission of Ebola. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through their semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.

Health-care workers have frequently been infected while treating patients with suspected or confirmed EVD. This has occurred through close contact with patients when infection control precautions are not strictly practiced.

Among workers in contact with monkeys or pigs infected with Reston ebolavirus, several infections have been documented in people who were clinically asymptomatic. Thus, RESTV appears less capable of causing disease in humans than other Ebola species.

However, the only available evidence available comes from healthy adult males. It would be premature to extrapolate the health effects of the virus to all population groups, such as immuno-compromised persons, persons with underlying medical conditions, pregnant women and children. More studies of RESTV are needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn about the pathogenicity and virulence of this virus in humans.

Signs and symptoms

EVD is a severe acute viral illness often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding. Laboratory findings include low white blood cell and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes.

People are infectious as long as their blood and secretions contain the virus. Ebola virus was isolated from semen 61 days after onset of illness in a man who was infected in a laboratory.

The incubation period, that is, the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms, is 2 to 21 days.


Other diseases that should be ruled out before a diagnosis of EVD can be made include: malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, plague, rickettsiosis, relapsing fever, meningitis, hepatitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers.

Ebola virus infections can be diagnosed definitively in a laboratory through several types of tests:

antibody-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
antigen detection tests
serum neutralization test
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay
electron microscopy
virus isolation by cell culture.
Samples from patients are an extreme biohazard risk; testing should be conducted under maximum biological containment conditions.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Our Attitude Towards Life Determines Life Attitude Towards Us

There's a well-known quote that goes "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude 
towards us." Attitudes do make a difference. Salesmen using the ideal attitude beat their sales quotas; students using the proper attitudes make A's. Suitable attitudes pave the way to a truly happy married life.Correct attitudes make you powerful in coping with other people to ensure that it is possible to be effective as a leader. Among the very first qualities men and women notice when they meet you is what you attitude is towards whatever you're responsible for. If your attitudes are negative, then you might want to undergo an "attitude tune-up".

Fully grasp the importance of attitude.
Your attitude impacts every little thing you do, feel and say. If you wish to turn your attitude about and get into action towards your destiny, you might want to have the ability to resist negative or pessimistic thoughts that creep into your consciousness. surround your self with positive men and women, and maintain in mind your ultimate objective of achieving the, respect, good results and wealth which you deserve.

Opt to remain positive.
Power to choose is God given. You are going to encounter some hurdles and encounter some failures in life; but is really crucial that you simply manage how you respond to whatever takes place, and maintain your positive attitude , whilst working towards your objectives. The bible says "I have set before of you blessings and curses, life and death. So choose life" What will likely be your choice? Program" your attitude by training your self to remain upbeat. Identify negative attitudes that continually set you back. Assess your present day attitude and identify aspects of which could be stopping you from becoming prosperous. What are the underlying causes of one's negative attitudes? Remind your self that you simply are far better than you believe. Take a walk if you are frustrated. Just look at life as you walk until the disappointment is out of your system.

Determine to live your life with purpose and passion.
Reassess exactly where you wish your life to go and all which you would like to accomplish. Get a clear vision, to ensure that you've got some thing to reach for. When you have got your objectives firmly established, then you'll be able to turn your new positive attitudes into action.

Create a method for sustaining the proper attitude. Prepare your self to deal with any difficult scenarios that may well threaten your attitudes and throw you off course. You ought to create some self-motivation tactics like affirmations, visualization, positive talk, enthusiasm and heightened expectations Read books and articles on these subjects and build understanding and abilities to boost your attitude. 

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Advice To Help You With Personal Environment

Developing and honing your skills, learning new things and setting goals for yourself, all take a bit of knowledge into the actual process of personal development. You could become overwhelmed if you aren't ready for the journey ahead, so you want to be sure that you have all the information you need to start. With this article's various tips, you could get a much better feel for the process and what personal development really means.
While the term "self-help" implies that you can lift yourself up by your bootstraps and better your life, you can never do this alone. Seek out colleagues and mentors who can give you wisdom or advice during crucial times. By building a network of supporters and asking for help, you make yourself better-equipped to help yourself and survive troubled situations.
One place, either at home or at work, that should remain clutter-free, is your desk. This is your personal work area, so you need to know where everything is. You need to have organization, such as files and drawers for your important papers and holders for things like pencils, business cards and paper clips.
Make lists, lists, and more lists! Lists facilitate action. They free up our time for more important matters at hand. Are you traveling? You should already have a list of what you will need to take. Are you giving a presentation at work? Have a list at hand of what displays you need to have in place.
Learn the power of saying "no" when you need to. This is not easy by any means, but it's the only way to stay focused on the important things in your life. Saying yes to everything may result in the loss of ability to say yes to the best things. Say no more often and take back the control over your schedule and your life.
Socializing with large groups provides a soundboard for ideas, and helps to ground people in reality. A personal opinion or two may be the cause of some distress, but with a large forum of people you hear a multiple of perspectives. Then you can objectively weigh more possibilities than you could if you just hear your own voice, or that of one or two friends or critics.
Personal development is a tough process that goes through various changes and can be stressful without the right methods and techniques in mind. If you are using the tips provided, however, you can get a better hold over your current needs, skills and knowledge. This is what you need to help you to better create a route to a successful and more powerful you.